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Count on our efficiency and agility in resolving issues

your legal issues.

More than 29 years of tradition and history

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Areas of expertise

We operate throughout the country, the office has been building a legacy of reputation and credibility over the years, resulting from intense dedication and commitment to the demands of its clients, learn about our areas of activity.

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Banking Law

Consumer Law

Civil right

Law in Civil Construction

Extrajudicial Collection

Judicial collection

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Legal Solutions

MS Advogados offers a wide variety of legal services operating in the judicial and extrajudicial, consensual or litigious spheres.

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Banking Law

We have all the experience and qualifications required to conduct the specific precautionary vehicle search and seizure procedure. In addition to promoting the defense of financial institutions in legal proceedings brought by third parties. We dedicate all the experience and qualifications of our team to seeking procedural success or reaching agreements with the least possible financial loss for our clients.


Consumer Law

In recent years, the Brazilian consumer's level of awareness about their rights has grown in the same proportion as their own consumption capacity and consequently there has been a significant increase in the number of registered complaints. Our team is prepared to meet all demands arising from the consumer relationship.


Civil right

It is the branch of private law that aims to determine the rules and conduct that individuals and legal entities must have in society, that is, it deals with the rights and obligations of people and companies within the civil sphere. In this sense, civil law ends up being the broadest area within law, covering the general theory of private law, civil obligations and contracts, family relations, succession relations and civil responsibilities. Our office has professionals qualified to meet demands in an agile and effective manner, both in the legal and administrative spheres.

Who we are

MS Advogados was founded in December 1995 and is made up of partners, Márcia Maria da Silva, OAB/RS 22.104 and Aline da Silva Teixeira, OAB/RS 102.427.

Despite having started its activities in 1995, founding partner Márcia Silva had previously worked as a lawyer in the banking area, where she acquired extensive knowledge and experience in the field and, after the company was formed, began providing services to important financial institutions.

In these more than 29 years of existence, the firm's philosophy has always been to analyze the economic repercussions of each issue, in addition to the legal aspects involved, striving for excellence in the provision of services, aiming for the best result for its clients.

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Dr. Bruno Francalacci é advogado e Sócio Fundador da Francalacci & Exterkötter Advocacia, devidamente inscrito na OAB/SC sob o número 47.753.


Bacharel em Direito pelo Complexo Educacional de Santa Catarina – CESUSC.

Desde o começo da carreira, é militante na área do Direito Público, o que lhe possibilitou conhecer e atuar nas mais variadas áreas deste ramo. Com larga experiência neste segmento, já ocupou os cargos de Assessor Jurídico, Diretor e Gestor nos Poderes Executivos do Estado e na Capital de Santa Catarina.

Presidiu, também, na qualidade de Interventor Jurídico, a Associação Florianopolitana de Voluntários – AFLOV, entidade beneficente com mais de 30 anos de serviços prestados à população carente. Atualmente, além de empresário, bacharelando em Ciências Contábeis, é especialista em Direito Tributário e Processual Tributário pela UNICURITIBA. Foi Presidente da Comissão de Direito Tributário de 2019 a 2021. Foi conselheiro titular do Conselho de Contribuintes do Município de Tubarão (Entidade responsável pelo julgamento de processos administrativos-tributários municipais) de 2019 a 2021.

Atualmente, exerce a Presidência da Comissão de Direito Público da OAB/SC na Subseção do Município de Tubarão e, também, é Conselheiro da OAB/SC da mesma Subseção. Milita na grande área do Direito Público, compreendendo, Direito Tributário, Direito Administrativo e Direito Constitucional. Além disto, atua no ramo do Direito Societário e Empresarial.

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Dr. Lucas Exterkötter Fernandes é advogado e Sócio Fundador da Francalacci & Exterkötter Advocacia, devidamente inscrito na OAB/SC sob o número 53.384.

É bacharel em Direito pela Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina – UNISUL e possui experiência na advocacia desde 2013, sendo posteriormente especializado em Direito Penal e Processo Penal pela EBRADI - Escola Brasileira de Direito‎ e ESA - Escola Superior da Advocacia.

É Presidente da Comissão de Direitos Humanos e Membro da Comissão de Assuntos Prisionais da OAB/SC na Subseção do Município de Tubarão/SC.

É militante nos ramos do Direito Criminal e Cível, onde atua com ênfase em Crimes Sexuais e Contra a Dignidade Sexual; Crimes Virtuais (Pornografia Infantil); Estupro de Vulnerável (criança, adolescente, enfermo ou deficiente mental); Revogação de Prisão Preventiva; Habeas Corpus; Tribunal do Júri (Júri Popular); Invasão de Privacidade e Divulgação de Intimidade.

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Our Office

Our Law Firm, founded 29 years ago, is a reference in banking and civil law. We act in a preventive and contentious manner in all instances and Courts, with seriousness, efficiency and agility. Transparency and competence are our pillars.

Our team

We have a specialized team, with training and preparation to meet all demands. In addition, we have a collections team that aims to quickly and effectively recover our customers’ credit. To ensure the satisfaction of employees and customers, we invest in healthy relationship actions between team members, stimulating the spirit of competition and promoting motivational campaigns as key means to success.

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Get in touch now

Our team is prepared to assist you, contact us now by clicking the button below, and start a conversation with one of our lawyers via WhatsApp.

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